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In the cloud

The rise of cloud com­pu­ting brings with it a lot of pos­si­bi­li­ties. Sud­denly it’s pos­sible to use dif­fe­rent ad­vanced app­li­ca­tions wi­thout ac­qui­ring ser­vers, ad­jus­ting com­plex fi­re­walls, in­stal­ling soft­ware or ma­king back-ups.

App­lify uses cloud com­pu­ting for smaller com­pa­nies, or just com­pa­nies who don’t want to get in­volved in the tech­nical side of in­stal­ling and main­tai­ning soft­ware. The whole Flow­Suite app­li­ca­tion is available as a ser­vice.

You uti­lize the full Flow­Suite app­li­ca­tion with all web-to-print, order ma­na­ge­ment, pro­duc­tion and in­voi­cing func­tio­na­li­ties hosted by App­lify ser­vers. App­lify takes care of hard­ware, in­ternet connec­tion, back-ups, sys­tems ma­na­ge­ment, up­dates and other main­te­nances. You can focus on your busi­ness and di­rectly start pro­ces­sing or­ders with Flow­Suite.

You pay for what you use: when you have fewer or­ders, you pay less. When you have a lot of or­ders, you pay more, but App­lify au­to­ma­ti­cally makes sure that more server ca­pa­city will be available.

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