Client Portal

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Privacy Policy

There are no trans­la­tions available.

Data Pro­tec­tion

It is pos­sible that we will need cer­tain per­sonal data from you, such as your name, pri­vate ad­dress, busi­ness ad­dress and email ad­dress. We need this data in order to de­ter­mine who the nea­rest App­ sales re­pre­sen­ta­tive is and how he or she can con­tact you. This in­for­ma­tion will be sent by us via the in­ternet or in ano­ther manner to this sales re­pre­sen­ta­tive. This type of in­for­ma­tion may be co­pied, used, and saved by the App­ sales re­pre­sen­ta­tive in com­pliance with the local law with re­gards to data pro­tec­tion, but it will not be dis­tri­buted to third par­ties, un­less this is re­quired by law or is re­quested by legal au­t­ho­ri­ties.


We he­reby no­tify you that you have the right to re­view your re­gis­tered data and to make cor­rec­tions to it. If you wish to have changes made to your per­sonal data, you can send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , and you will be no­ti­fied as to the name and ad­dress of the con­tact person who has re­ceived the data that you pro­vided and whom you should con­tact with your re­quest.



The App­ web­site makes use of what is com­monly re­ferred to as "coo­kies" in order to re­cord the brow­sing ac­tions of users. A cookie is a data ele­ment that can be sent from a web­site to your browser, after which it can be stored in the browser on your com­puter. These coo­kies serve to help you find the in­for­ma­tion that you are loo­king for and also allow the web­site dis­play to be cu­sto­mized ac­cor­ding to your per­sonal pre­fe­rences. You can choose not to ac­cept coo­kies by chan­ging a set­ting in your browser. Choo­sing to not ac­cept coo­kies may lead to the re­sult that you are not al­lowed ac­cess to some of the App­ web­site pages. If you have ad­di­tional ques­tions or re­quests with re­gard to data se­cu­rity ma­na­ge­ment, you can con­tact App­ via This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .